Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 4

Tessa is being a real trouper in a really unspeakable situation. She woke up with tons of pain in her mouth and throat. She couldn't even drink, so now we're spooning ice water into her mouth. She also has a tough time talking, her words are really thick and slurred which makes her hard to understand which in turn makes her even madder. The doctors put her on a lidocaine drip to help with the pain, and while she's still miserable it does seem to help a little.

She also has developed patikia on her legs as a result of low platelet counts. These are spots on her skin where she has bled into her hair folicles. This experience has been an education in obscure medical conditions. Better than med school (sorry Rach!). Anyway, she's going to be getting a blood and platelet transfusion today to help bring up some of her counts until her body start doing it on it's own.

Tessa got a visit from her Noni yesterday who brought these really cool prince and princess puppets for Tessa and dinner for Casey and me, thank you Noni! Today Nana came by and played with Tessa for a bit until Tessa and I passed out and took a nap.

Auntie Katie also came by with homemade soup, homemade bread and homemade cookies. This woman makes the most incredible food. Thank you so much Katie!! I think my food fantasy would be to have a big family reunion catered by Katie, my Aunt Julie and my mom and dad. Oh baby.

Tessa's hair has also begun to fall out in earnest, so we'll probably be shaving her head soon. It'll be weird, but we're trying to play it up. The biggest plus being that she'll no longer have to wash her hair, which she hates!

Until next time...

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