Thursday, September 6, 2012

Up We Go

In case you hadn't noticed yet, everything can change on a dime. Yesterday it felt like someone had shopvac-ed the joy out of me through my chest. Today I feel so thrilled because we arrived back in SLO a few hours ago. We will only be here til early next week, but Tessa and I haven't been home in over a month and it is GOOD TO BE BACK!

We went into the doctor this morning, and while there were no diagnostic miracles there was some new information. Her blood tests show that her hemoglobin levels are staying strong, which is great. However, she has high vitamin D levels. There are two different kinds of vitamin D, the kind you ingest and the kind your body produces. Her body appears to be overproducing this vitamin D which can mean a couple of things: a malignancy or some weird variant on an inflammatory disease. Great. We will be going back up to Stanford early next week for a specialized MRI that can actually scan motion. They'll look at her small intestine to see if they can find anything there. the dream ladies and gentelmen!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! Text anytime if you want company! Glad you're finally getting a bit more info towards a possible diagnosis.
