Thursday, July 12, 2012


Short update...went to the doctor today. The long and short of it is that her labs are looking pretty good, so she's stable enough to not require hospitalization. They were not able to get anything useful from the last biopsy, so they will be repeating the procedure tomorrow morning at 7am. They are no longer sure that it is leukemia, though they aren't ruling it out. There is definitely something wrong with her bone marrow, and there appears to be something going on with her bones (they are thicker than normal?!?). Essentially the doctor said that she has been consulting with tons of doctors from a bunch of different specialties, but they are pretty much stumped as to what is going on. We are frustrated and tired. Tessa is a brave and amazing soul to undergo such torment. We probably won't get any results til early next week.

I'm beat and going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh friend! Your strength is amazing!!! And tessa is a total trooper!!! Love you guys!
